Kodak No. 2 Autographic
c. 1924
Nos. 1 and 2 autographic cameras are very similar and were comercialised in the same period. My No. 2 is the latest version made between 1924 and 1925.
It is in mint condition, comes in its original cardboard case and has its original instruction booklet. The camera has been barely used, the shutter speeds are so precise that decided not to take it apart for cleaning.
'Autographic' cameras were launched by Kodak in the 1910's, had a window on their back and a steel pointer to write on the backpaper of the film in the strip between frames. The writing was latent on the film and became visible only after procesing. Autographic film was discontinued in 1932 and many of the surviving cameras have lost the pointer and the window was sealed in order to prevent light leaks. My Nos.1 and 2 still have the original pointers and their windows never were covered or sealed.